Lake Road Housing

The site location on Lake Road – a main arterial, 2 km from CBD and nearby amenities was a prime site for a medium density housing development. DCA connected the developer with Kāinga Ora for a build to specification and buy back contract.

Sector: Multi-Residential

Location: Rotorua

Status: Completed 2024

Size: 20 Units

The twenty units are a mixture of two and three-bedroom two level walk ups. Our design aimed to create an enclave that purposely disassembled the mass of a singular building by pulling apart to create four separate blocks. The plans are stepped, and elevated roof forms are modulated to minimise a monolithic façade. Three differing upper claddings with complimentary colour schemes create distinctive forms and individuality.

All units are designed to with northern outside yards and sunlight access. Units positioned against the expansive neighbouring council reserve have access gates connecting outdoor living areas. The development is designed to Homestar 6 V5, which targets increased thermal efficiencies and reduced energy use to heat and cool. New foundation edge detailing was developed to pass V5 fSRI values with brick cavity construction while maintaining a cost effective standard 100mm slab. Mid floor structure utilised a locally sourced prefabricated cassette flooring system for speed of assembly. The development was completed from concept design to completed handover in 15 months due to a fast track and staged consenting program with ECI.

These new homes will make a real difference meeting some of the demand for more housing in Rotorua. They will also make a real difference for the whānau moving in.
— Kāinga Ora Bay of Plenty regional director, Darren Toy

Whare Waka


QE Health and Wellness Centre