Bright Wild Thomas Lee

This was the successful revitalisation and seismic strengthening of an empty run-down building into a contemporary office space.

Growth had forced the move from the existing site of 20 years, overlooking Lake Rotorua and Mokoia Island. This view informed the firm’s identity and its logo depicting Mokoia Island. The solution sought to bring the history of the firm to the building and a stylized graphic image of Mokoia Island was wrapped in a glass veil to the exterior of the building.  In doing so, the building became the metaphor of a photo album, where a memory of the past is captured as an everyday reminder of where you have come from.

2011 ADNZ Awards: Resene Colour in Design Award
2011 ADNZ Awards: Commercial/Industrial Design Award
2011 ADNZ Awards: Commercial Interior Design Award

Project Details

  • Status: Completed 2010
  • Client: Specialised Properties Ltd
  • Size: 800 sq.m
  • Cost: $1M